About Us


we believe every Creative, sincere, hardworking and honest person deserves to be at the top of his/her professional career and must taste the fruit of success. With this sole objective and strong conviction, we have conceptualized this web portal where you will find all types of information and resources that will add value to your careerskills.

"Hard work always overcomes hard luck"

 -by Debasish mishra, Owner of this website


We Provide:

Valuable blogs on different topics based on Science, Technology & Humanities.

Personality & Career development skills.

Projects Ideas.

Seminars Topics.

Study Materials.

Interview Skills.

Placement Papers.


We Enhance the Knowledge based on:

Technological issues.

Scientific topics.

Psychological & Philosophical topics.

Social Phenomena.

Read more: mishradews.webnode.com
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Our users

Any aspiaring student,any one who want to devlop his/her talent and who has learning desire and the courage to do something,they can see this and learn from this.

"A leader is a dealer in hope"

"hard work can overcomes hard luck"